Stress Management

Maybe someone has noticed your stress.

“What’s with your attitude lately?”

“I don’t like your tone!”

“You’re always staring at your phone. Do you even want to be here?”

“What time did you get home last night?”

This can be what your stress sounds like when other people start to notice.

Poorly managed stress damages your life.

Stress is an inevitable part of living.

But left unchecked, it can seriously hurt your quality of life. And your physical health.

Important relationships suffer due to irritability and those “same stupid fights” over and over.

Rushed meals of fast food. Sleepless nights.

Trying to find the perfect balance between caffeine when you need to be functioning, and alcohol when your mind and body desperately crave a break.

It’s okay to admit it: What worked in your teens and early 20s isn’t working anymore. You don’t really know how to take true care of yourself in your busy life right now.

Self-care isn’t selfish!

Effective stress management starts with exploding the misconception that self-care is either some fluffy nonsense or selfishness. It’s neither.

Self-care is the responsible path to consistently being your best self in all areas of your life.

Until you really get this, you will suffer — and so will your work, your relationships, and your health.

Once you get this and start practicing personal self-care that actually works for you, your life will improve dramatically.

Stress management is really about life purpose.

And not just things like improved mood, decreased personal conflict, better sleep, and overall health.

Your life will start to have more meaning and purpose.

That’s because chronic stress is often a sign that you are out of step with what matters most to you.

Taking the time to figure out what matters most to you — your values — and how to take consistent action in line with these values is the way to create a life that is free of chronic unnecessary stress.

Values-based action — doing what matters most to you — is perhaps the greatest key to more happiness and fulfillment in life.

Call me for a free 15-minute consultation to talk about how we can help you stress less and find more meaning in your life. Call me at (512) 783-4508 or complete the contact form below.